Alla tavlorna som målades av Louis D. Fancher
This artist is not available now.
Virgin and Child inxt
The Triumph of Galatea -detail-
Mary with the Child and Saints rt
The Nativity -05-
Details from Caliph al Ma mun in his bat
Madonna and Child with Saints John the B
Maria Guerrero
Ancient Sound
On the Terrace
Wild Flowers and Thistles in a Vase -nn0
BRUYN, Barthel
Woman in a White Cap
The Annunciation kljk
Madonna and Child with two Angels -36-
Portrait of Father Galeazzo Campi
Still Life painting from Herculaneum
Visitation fdhda
The Angelus
Still Life with Flowers and Food
The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
The Vision of the Boy Bartholomew
Portrait of Gabrielle Borreau
Toilers of the Sea
The Favourites of the Emperor Honorius
Portrait of Herbert Thompson -23-
Chinese Princess
The Virgin and Child in a Church
An Ideal Landscape
Giovan Battista Salvi Sassoferrato
GIUSTO de Menabuoi
Noli me Tangere
Walter Crane,RWS
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