Light and colour-the morning after the D Sunday Morning in the Mines Waters of Moguda -nn02- Phaeton and Apollo Richland The comtesse d-haussonville Dixon, Maria Bridge tug The Dwarf Don Juan Calabazas, called Cal Little Girl with a Cup Leposavic The Rape of Proserpina s In a Shoreham Garden AVERCAMP, Hendrick Oedipus Explains the RIddle of the Sphin photo developing Trinity cfgh The Adoration of the Shepherds -detail- Grandma-s Gown full length mirror Stories of St Zanobius -36- Musical Trio Summer dfdffdv Minerva sg The Sleep of Endymion Landscape with Trees The passage of Mount St.Gothard,taken fr The Meal Newcastle Enclosed Wheat Field with Peasant -nn04- Baccanalia -08- An architectural capriccio with washerwo blow moulding machine Phillipsburg Slave Auction Portrait of Monsignor Ottaviano Prati ar Self Portrait with Hat qq View of Pickersgill Harbour,Dusky Bay So The Bivouac Breakfast in the Loggia